Tuesday, December 29, 2009

At Peace

I am at peace with today.

The dishes are done, Jack is actually napping, Lily is fed and happy and I'm about to knit.

Jack did sit on his train box and pee into his car tin and all over Petey's mouse. I did get a note from the vet reminding us to get Petey's Rabies shot, letting me know that I have been spelling the cat's name wrong for months. I knew it looked weird, but couldn't figure out the problem. Minor compared to the pee. And then there was the trail of TP leading from the bathroom to Jack's room. And the booby trapped toilet that dropped a car into the bowl when Daddy moved the seat. But he is napping.

And the knitting. I must be knitting the scarf I've been ignoring for weeks. No, that has become a black dot on the blackness of space in the galaxy that is my crafting. I took the Great American Aran Afghan (GAAAaaaa) and spent half an hour working out what row I was on in the square in progress. The knitting of it went swimmingly, the four rows I have knit so far. I also hated the way the four completed squares were seamed. I'm a better seamer now, so I spent the morning doing dishes and un-seaming blocks. Yes, I would apparently rather pick out one particular string in a sea of like colored strings than knit that stinking scarf. And I like it, that is the problem! I like lace, I like short lace rows. I enjoy this pattern. Why can I not knit it?

So now I pick up the afghan square, along with the other 3 sticks I need to complete the center cable. And you know what? I'm at peace with that.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Room Swap

Jack, my big strong boy, is afraid of the furnace. That is one reason he kept coming into our room at night. So I had the (maybe not so) brilliant idea that we needed to swap bedrooms. I have had a nasty habit of rearranging rather than cleaning, well cleaning while rearranging really. I also have grand ideas on what I can get done in a certain amount of time as well as what will fit in a given space. Now I have a smaller room, but it is so far very organized and I am getting Jack's old closet cleaned out at the same time. Things are moved, organized, dusted and generally looking pretty good.

Unless you enter Jack's new room or dare look into the nursery. Lily's room is the staging area where the week's laundry is piled (we did get a new machine so today is also laundry day) and all of the stuff from Jack's room is scattered and piled around. The biggest issue right now, apart from moving the last remnants of my belongings from the room, is the mold. This could be why we have been getting so sick and such this winter. The bedroom is the farthest from the heater and has 3 outside walls. The condensation caused a massive mold problem circling the room around the baseboard. I got most of it cleaned up yesterday, but I need to hit it a few more times and make a regular habit of Lysol-ing the room. Also we now have Lily's space heater in there to keep it warmer (and dryer). So all in all the house is a massive wreck, but by the end of the day I hope to have it nicer than it has been in months.

And the crafting? Kate is kidnapping me and my knitting tonight for a girl's night in, with cocoa and such. If the weather isn't against me, which it looks like it is. sigh. Back to the task to putting the house back together.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Let the dramas commence

So what is so different, you might ask, about this blog, or should I say this one of your blogs? Well, for starters, it is almost a new year, and as a resolution I hope to get some quality blogging done. One of many resolutions, but an important one. To me at least. A place to feel like I have adult company (and not in a dirty way, the adult company one craves when one has seen way too much Diego and can't take one more second of Sponge Bob and will seriously snap if one more electric train is turned on and abandoned to just hum....) OK, so you get it. I want to feel like I'm sharing the little annoyances and little victories in my crafting and personal life. I will share the family, but it will be mainly about crafting.